Follow the Leader

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. What is Richard talking about when he says that he watched Jack, Kate, and Hurley die?
  2. Why is Locke intending to kill Jacob?

Answers Given:
  1. What happened to the hydrogen bomb? The bomb is in the tunnels underneath the Dharma barracks.
  2. Where has Sayid gone? Sayid has been in the jungle.
  3. How does Richard get past the sonic fence? As seen in this episode, there are tunnels that cross under the island.


xtoothfairy said...

I think there was one answer given.
In LaFleur, Richard says the fence doesn't keep the Others out. In this ep, it's revealed that they can get into Dharmaville through the tunnels.
I think? I don't know if there's enough proof to put it on the site though.

Gideon said...

You're correct. That answer has been added.