
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Who painted the blast door map?
  2. Why is there a food drop on the island after Dharma has apparently been long gone?
  3. Who is "Henry Gale" really?
  4. What is "Henry's" real name?

Answers Given:
  1. Is Henry Gale really who he says he is? No, Sayid found the real Henry Gale's ID.
  2. The "3 of 6" in the Orientation film implies there are other stations besides the Swan. Are there? Yes, based on the blast door map, there are a few undiscovered stations.

The Whole Truth

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Did Sun have an affair with Jae Lee?
  2. How far along is Suns pregnancy?
  3. If Henry is not an Other, why is he creating a rift between Jack and Locke?
  4. What is Henry's overall plan?

Answers Given:
  1. None.

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Maternity Leave

Wednesday, March 1, 2006 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. What does Zeke mean by "when he finds out?"
  2. Are the Others really not as primitive as they appear, based on the clothes that Ethan and Zeke are wearing, Ethan's knowledge of medicine, and the clothes and makeup Kate finds?

Answers Given:
  1. Where has Ethan taken Claire? He took her to the staff, a medical station of Dharma.
  2. What did Ethan do to Claire? Ethan was drugging Claire, injecting her with medicine to "protect the baby." He and the Others were planning to perform a C-section and remove the baby.
  3. Where is Alex now? Alex is with the Others.
  4. Why did Claire scratch Rousseau? Rousseau was trying to keep the Others from finding Claire, and Claire, not being aware of her surroundings, scratched Rousseau in attempted self-defense.