- What is Shannon and Boone's relationship? Boone and Shannon are siblings.
- What was Charlie doing in the bathroom? Charlie was retrieving heroin from the front section.
- Was Claire's baby's dad on the plane? Claire was not married when she got pregnant, and she says the father was not on the plane.
- What secret did Locke tell to Walt? A "miracle" happened to Locke.
- What was Kate's request for the Marshall? Kate wanted to be sure that Ray Mullens got his $23,000 reward.
- Why didn't Michael know Walt's age immediately? Michael wasn't a part of Walt's life until Walt's mom died two weeks before the plane crash.
- What is Locke's "miracle?" Locke was in a wheelchair for four years until he crashed on the island.
- Jack says he was born into his profession. Were his parents also doctors? Jack's father is a doctor.
- Who is the mysterious man Jack saw? Jack was seeing his dad.
- What did Locke see? Locke looked into the "eye of the island" and what he saw was "beautiful."
- What is the letter that Sawyer is holding? Sawyer's letter is written to the man that conned his parents and caused his father to kill his mother and then commit suicide.
- Who is the woman in Sayid's photograph? She is Nadia, his childhood friend.
- Who is the French woman? The "French woman" is Danielle Rousseau, part of a science team; her boat crashed on the island during a storm.
- What does the woman mean by "it killed them all?" There is a "sickness" that apparently infected Rousseau's team. She, in fact, shot the other members of her team because they were "lost."
- Who is the father of Claire's baby? The father of Claire's baby is a man named Thomas, her former boyfriend. She was never married.
- What is the metal that Locke and Boone find? Locke and Boone found a hatch.
- Why is Jin bloody when he comes home? What does he do for Sun's father? Jin beat up one of Sun's father's employees to "give him a message" and save his life. This is the first time Jin has done this. He did not tell Sun because he did not want her to know about her father.
- Will Jin ever find out that Sun can speak English? Jin (and the other survivors) realize Sun can speak English.
- Why is Locke's dad not cool? Locke's dad conned him to get him to agree to a kidney transplant.
- Who knocked out Sayid? Locke knocked out Sayid.
- Is Nadia really dead?
- What is Kate's connection to the toy airplane other than it belonging to the man she loved/killed? It was buried in a time capsule she made with her childhood friend, Tom Brennan.
- What is the story behind the man Kate killed? Why did she kill the man she loved? Her childhood friend Tom Brennan was helping Kate see her mom in the hospital. Kate's mom called security, and Kate ran, asking Tom for his car. Tom went with her, and in a police chase, Tom was shot. Kate believes that she killed him.
- Is that why Kate was hunted by the US Marshall? No, she was afraid of being found before Tom died.
- What is in the dark territory? The black rock is in the dark territory.
- What happened to Sarah after she and Jack were married, and before the crash? They got divorced, apparently.
- Will Jack ever find that Sawyer and Christian met? Yes, Sawyer told him the story.
- What is the black rock? The Black Rock is a ship that is far inland.
- Will Sun and Jin ever reconcile? They do, before the raft leaves.
- Where did Rousseau get the scratches on her arm? Claire gave them to her.
- Are there more "Others" on the island than Ethan? Yes, there are more.
- Are the Others really coming? Not to the beach, but they attacked Jin, Michael, and Sawyer, and took Walt.
- Will the raft really work? No, the Others blew it up.
- Will Locke and Boone ever open the hatch? Locke and Jack blew it open with dynamite.
- What is inside the hatch? There's a man named Desmond who lives there with an old computer and other scientific machines.
- What is the light from the hatch? It's a big light that, along with mirrors, Desmond uses to see outside the hatch.
- What is the Dharma sign on the electrical box? The Dharma Initiative was founded in 1970 to be a communal science research project.
- What does Desmond mean by "are you him?" Desmond would appear to be asking if Locke is his replacement.
- Why is the hatch on the island? Marvin Candle says "The station 3 was originally constructed as a laboratory, where scientists could work to understand the unique electromagnetic fluctuations emanating from this sector of the island."
- Why is the compass off magnetically? Probably because of, as Marvin Candle says "the unique electromagnetic properties" on the island.
- What happened to Ana Lucia when the plane crashed? She survived.
- Is anyone from the tail section alive? At least one, most likely more are also.
- Are the people with Ana Lucia really Others or are they tail section survivors? Yes, there were twenty-three tail section survivors.
- Where is the tail section? It landed on the other side of the island from the fuselage.
- Why is there concrete poured where there is very strong magnetism? Based on Sayid's comment, it draws a connection to the "incident." Apparently, after this incident, concrete was poured over the site.
- The "3 of 6" in the Orientation film implies there are other stations besides the Swan. Are there? Ana Lucia and the other survivors go to a building with a Dharma logo and an arrow.
- Is Bernard, Rose's husband, alive? Yes, he is.
- What happened to the twenty-three tail section survivors? The tail section crashed into the ocean; some people made it to the beach. The Others came two different nights and took survivors. One of their members, Goodwin, was revealed to be an Other. Most of their original 23 were kidnapped or killed.
- Did the Others take children from the tail section, and is that who has the teddy bear? Yes, they took a boy and a girl, Zach and Emma. Zach has a teddy bear.
- What is Goodwin's story? He was an Other that infiltrated the tail section survivors. Ana Lucia killed him.
- What is the transmission Boone picks up? Bernard was using the radio they found in the Arrow and overheard Boone. He tried to reply, but Ana Lucia shut off the radio.
- What does Ana Lucia mean that she liked Eko "better" when he wasn't talking? Eko took a fast from speaking, presumably for killing two Others.
- What did Kate do to be arrested by a U.S. Marshall? Kate blew up her mother's house, killing who she believed was her stepfather, but was really her father.
- There's a piece of footage missing right when Marvin Candle says "you must not use the computer for anything..." What was cut out? Marvin Candle says that the computer is not to be used for any purpose other than entering the code, specifically communication with the outside world.
- What relation does the black smoke have to the monster? The black smoke seemingly is the Monster.
- What does Mr. Eko mean by he has "worse" than a wife? Eko was a war lord and a smuggler and then became a priest (that is, God is worse than a wife).
- Why did Jack and Sarah get a divorce? Sarah left Jack for someone else because he "will always need something to fix."
- Who are the "others" Rousseau mentions? The Others are apparently a hillbilly-style group who believe the Island is theirs.
- Is Charlie taking heroin again? Charlie was not using.
- What is Locke doing with the Virgin Mary statues? He is keeping them for "therapeutic value."
- Why did Sayid vow never to torture again? After torturing his commanding officer for the enemy American troops, Sayid vowed he would never torture another person.
- Where has Ethan taken Claire? He took her to the staff, a medical station of Dharma.
- What did Ethan do to Claire? Ethan was drugging Claire, injecting her with medicine to "protect the baby." He and the Others were planning to perform a C-section and remove the baby.
- Where is Alex now? Alex is with the Others.
- Why did Claire scratch Rousseau? Rousseau was trying to keep the Others from finding Claire, and Claire, not being aware of her surroundings, scratched Rousseau in attempted self-defense.
- Is Henry Gale really who he says he is? No, Sayid found the real Henry Gale's ID.
- The "3 of 6" in the Orientation film implies there are other stations besides the Swan. Are there? Yes, based on the blast door map, there are a few undiscovered stations.
- Why was Hurley in a psych ward? After a deck collapsed and two people died, Hurley insisted it was because of him; his mom admitted him to Santa Rosa Mental Hospital for depression.
- Who is "Henry Gale" really? "Henry" is an Other.
- If Henry is not an Other, why is he creating a rift between Jack and Locke? "Henry" is an Other, he was trying to play Jack and Locke against each other simply to create tension if it would benefit him.
- Why is Eko marking specific trees? He is building something.
- What is Eko building? Eko is building a church.
- Did Malkin know the plane would crash and Claire would be forced to raise her baby? No, Malkin confessed to not being a psychic.
- Did Michael let Henry go free? Yes, Henry escaped because of Michael.
- Is Libby dead? Libby wasn't killed immediately, but her injuries were too great and she died soon after she was shot.
- What happened to Michael? After getting a gun, Michael was captured by the Others. He was allowed to see Walt. The Others told him to rescue Henry Gale and bring Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley to them.
- What does Desmond inject himself with? It's apparently a vaccination that Dharma participants were supposed to give themselves every nine days.
- Is the Alex "Zeke" refers to Rousseau's Alex? Yes, Alex Rousseau was with Zeke during the meeting at the line.
- Where are the Others keeping Walt? Walt was (at least for some time) kept in a small primitive village near a rock formation that looked like a window.
- Why would Michael shoot Ana Lucia and Libby? Michael shot Ana Lucia to help Henry escape; Libby was an accident.
- Who is in the sailboat offshore? Desmond is in the sailboat.
- Where did Desmond go? He took a sailboat away believing that he could escape the island, be he was unable.
- Who painted the blast door map? Kelvin Inman's old partner, Radzinski started it, then committed suicide. Kevin continued it.
- What is the "incident?" The "incident" was a leak of electromagnetic material from the Swan.
- Why does Desmond have to enter the numbers into the computer? Entering the numbers and pushing the button releases electromagnetic material that builds up in the Swan.
- What's behind the door marked with the Dharma symbol? Nothing, just a stone wall.
- Where does the pneumatic tube go to? The pneumatic tube in the Pearl simply dumps the notebooks in a field.
- What is the log in the Pearl a log of? The Pearl log is a log of the times the button was pushed.
- Did Henry push the button? He had to, a system failure was never experienced.
- Why did the plane crash, and why did it rip apart? Desmond's failure to push the button most likely interfered with the plane's mechanisms (electromagnetic interference), and that plus the turbulence caused it to rip apart.
- What is "Zeke's" real name? Zeke's true name is Tom.
- Is the Swan really just a test? No, the Swan is not a test. The button must be pushed to release electromagnetic buildup.
- Would not pushing the button really mean death for everyone on the island? It would seem that failure to push the button would destroy the Island, the buildup only stopped once Desmond pushed the button.
- Are the Others really not as primitive as they appear, based on the clothes that Ethan and Zeke are wearing, Ethan's knowledge of medicine, and the clothes and makeup Kate finds? Yes, the Others live very normal lives on the Island, with houses and book clubs.
- What does Walt mean when he says that the Others aren't "who they say they are" and "they're pretending?" Walt means that the Others live as normal people, not hillbillies.
- What does Zeke mean by "when he finds out?" It seems that Tom was talking about Henry Gale, who is the apparently leader of the Others.
- Who is the "he" "Henry" mentions? The leader of the Others? It seems that Henry was creating a person to gain sympathy.
- Why is there a polar bear on a Pacific island? Sawyer and Kate and kept in cages apparently used by the Dharma Initiative to hold polar bears for experimentation.
- What is "Henry's" real name? The man claiming to be Henry Gale is really named Ben.
- Did Sun have an affair with Jae Lee? Yes, Sun did have an affair.
- What happened to Locke, Eko, and Desmond? Locke was thrown out of the hatch and became mute for a period. Desmond also survived, although is naked. Eko had survived, but he was taken by a polar bear to a cave.
- What happened to the hatch? The Swan station imploded.
- What do the Others want Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley for? Hurley was sent back because he is the person most easily trusted by all the survivors.
- Who has a tumor? Ben has a tumor on his spine.
- What do the Others want Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley for? Jack was kidnapped to performed surgery on Ben.
- What do the Others want Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley for? Hurley was sent back because he is the person most easily trusted by all the survivors. Jack was kidnapped to performed surgery on Ben. Kate is used to manipulate Jack to make him do the surgery, and Sawyer is used to manipulate Kate by threatening to kill Sawyer if Jack doesn't do the surgery.
- Who was Kate married to? Kate was married to Kevin Callis, a policeman, for a few months.
- Will Kate and Sawyer get together? Yes, Kate and Sawyer have sex.
- How was Desmond able to anticipate the lightning? Desmond, after turning the key and returning to the island, is experiencing "flashes" of the future.
- How could Desmond know about Locke's speech which hadn't been given yet? Desmond, after turning the key and returning to the island, is experiencing "flashes" of the future.
- Where did the Others take Cindy? They took Cindy to live with them. The rest of the people they took appear to be okay and have been taken care of.
- Why does Jack, a spinal surgeon, have so many tattoos? Jack received his first tattoo in Thailand.
- Where is Hurley's dad? Hurley's dad left when he was only a boy. He returned once he heard Hurley won the lottery, seventeen years later.
- Who is the man with the eye patch? His name is Mikhail Bakunin. He is an Other.
- Where does the cable lead to and from? The cable leads from the Flame. According to Mikhail, it leads to an underwater beacon that emits sonar pings.
- What do the Others use the submarine for? Mikhail was brought with the submarine. It is used to go to and from the Island.
- Based on Goodwin's comments, do the Others kidnap survivors based on if they are "good people?" Based on what Mikhail says, the people on the "list" are not flawed, and are not welcomed by the Others.
- Why has Claire's mother essentially "disowned" her? Although it's strange for Claire's boyfriend to describe it that way, it seems that because Claire's mother is in a coma, he describes it as "disownment."
- How did the 815 survivors never find the community of the Others? The pylon fence surrounds the community.
- Where is Claire's father now? Claire's father is Christian Shepherd, Jack's dad. Claire was the result of an affair.
- Who is Christian Shepherd's daughter in Australia? Christian's daughter is Claire.
- Why is Jack playing football with Tom? Jack made a deal with Ben to be allowed to leave the Island.
- How did Locke lose the use of his legs? His father, Anthony Cooper, pushed him out of a eight-story window.
- How did Shannon know about the Haliburton case? Previously, only Jack and Kate had known. Kate let it slip to Shannon as shown in a flashback.
- Will Sun ever find out who really kidnapped her? Charlie admitted he kidnapped Sun.
- Why did Kate's mom call for help in the hospital? She told Kate that the next time she saw Kate, she would call for help.
- What does the pylon fence keep in or out? The fence keeps the Monster away from the homes of the Others.
- Why does "Mittelos Bioscience" want a fertility doctor? All pregnant women on the island die.
- How did the Others get information on Jack? Mikhail is able to get information about off-island events.
- How far along is Sun's pregnancy? As of Day 90 on the island, Sun is about 8 weeks pregnant.
- What is the "box" Ben describes? The box is a metaphor.
- Who is the parachutist? Her name is Naomi Dorrit. She comes from a freighter 80 nautical miles west of the island. She's part of a search and recovery team.
- What will Penny do? She sent Naomi and her team to rescue Desmond.
- Why does the parachutist have a picture of Desmond and how does she know him? She was sent by Penny to rescue Desmond.
- Who is the real Sawyer? The original Sawyer is Anthony Cooper, Locke's father.
- Has Ben really been on the Island his whole life? No, he was born outside of Portland. He came to the island when he was a child.
- Who is Jacob? Jacob is Ben's superior. Only Ben talks to him.
- Who is the "magnificent man" Mikhail talks about who is above Ben? Mikhail was apparently talking about Jacob.
- Who is Roger? Roger is Ben's father.
- How is Mikhail alive? The power on the fence was at a low setting.
- What does Juliet want to tell Kate? Juliet wanted to tell Kate about the Others coming to the beach camp.
- What was the purge really? In the purge, Ben and the hostiles killed much of the Dharma Initiative with chemical gas.
- Why is Rousseau getting dynamite? Rousseau was getting dynamite for Jack after Juliet told him that the Others were coming to the beach camp.
- Why has the signal been playing for 16 years and 8 months? Ben has been using the Dharma station the Looking Glass to block signals leaving the Island.
- Why has a rescue team not come yet? Along with the plane being several hundred miles off course, Ben has been blocking signals leaving the Island from the Looking Glass station.
- Where is the signal broadcasting from? Rousseau's distress call was broadcast from a radio tower on the island.
- Where does the cable lead to and from? The cable leads inward to the Flame station, while the other end leads to the Looking Glass station underwater.
- Who are the women in the Looking Glass? They are Bonnie and Greta. They were sent to the Looking Glass by Ben to jam transmissions. Ben told the rest of the Others that they were on assignment in Canada.
- What are the Others making Kate and Sawyer work on? They were working on a runway.
- Why is Karl in the cage next to Sawyer? Ben didn't want Karl to get Alex pregnant.
- What will Penny do? She called out somehow to the area the signal she found came from.
- Will Charlie really die? Yes, Charlie dies so everyone else can leave the island.
- Who else got off the island? Hurley gets off the island, plus three others.
- How was 815 found with no survivors? The wreckage of Flight 815 was found in the Sunda Trench with all bodies confirmed dead.
- Who is the man who parachutes down? His name is Daniel Faraday. He is a physicist.
- Who is Naomi's sister? "Tell my sister I love her" is the code the freighters use if they are captured and have a gun to their head.
- Who is in the Oceanic Six besides Jack, Kate, and Hurley? Sayid is a member of the Oceanic Six.
- Why does Michael have to follow the bearing of 325? There seem to be certain bearings that allow entrance and exit to the island.
- Why couldn't Desmond escape the island? There seem to be certain bearings that allow entrance and exit to the island.
- How is Kate able to see Jack if she is a known fugitive? Kate is on probation.
- Who is the "he" Kate refers to? Kate is referring to Aaron.
- Is Kate pregnant? No, the only child she has in the future is Aaron.
- Who is in the Oceanic Six besides Jack, Kate, and Hurley? Aaron is a member of the Oceanic Six.
- Where is the helicopter? For some reason, the time lapse that Desmond, Sayid, and Frank experienced was shorter than the time Jack and the others on the island experienced. While it seemed only 20 minutes to those in the helicopter, it seemed like at least 24 hours to those on the beach.
- Why was Desmond dishonorably discharged from Royal Scots Regiment? Desmond was discharged because he went AWOL looking for Daniel and Penny.
- Why isn't Minkowski answering? Minkowski was restrained in sickbay because of his flashes.
- Where does the power for the Other's houses come from? From the Tempest.
- If the boat isn't Penny's, who does it belong to? The boat is owned by Charles Widmore.
- Do Ben and Juliet have a romantic history? Ben is infatuated with Juliet, but the feeling is unrequited.
- What happened to Michael and Walt after leaving the Island? After escaping the island, Michael and Walt somehow made their way to NYC, where Michael only told his mom who they really were. Wracked with guilt, Michael told Walt that he killed Ana Lucia and Libby. Walt wanted nothing to do with his father, and this along with the guilt drove Michael to attempted suicide. Tom met with Michael, and arranged for him to board the freighter to save those on the island.
- Where is Walt? He is in NYC with Michael's mom.
- Why is Charles Widmore so interested in the fake plane? Widmore doesn't want anyone else to know where the plane really crashed.
- How did Michael become part of the crew? The Others set it up, with Tom giving Michael everything he needed to get aboard.
- Is Ben right about Naomi? Based Keamy's non-answer and Rousseau and Karl's deaths, it seems Ben was correct. Daniel, Miles, Charlotte, and Frank don't seem to know about the true reason for being there, but Keamy and his men do.
- Who sabotaged the communications room? Michael did, as asked to by Ben. He also sabotaged the engines.
- Who opened the sickbay door? Presumably Michael. li>How did the people on the freighter get a photo of Ben as an adult? Ben can and has apparently leave the island at will.
- Who was shooting at Karl, Alex, and Rousseau? Keamy and his men.
- Does Ben really not know what the Monster is? Ben does know something about the Monster, because it is under his control to an extent.
- Why is Sayid working for Ben? After Nadia was killed, Sayid has nothing to live for so he is now following Ben's orders to protect his friends.
- Where did Frank take the helicopter? Frank took Keamy and his men to the island.
- Will Jack and Kate get together? Yes, Jack asked Kate to marry him off the island.
- What's wrong with Jack? He has appendicitis.
- Why couldn't Locke find Jacob's cabin at the previous location? Locke needed to find Horace Goodspeed first.
- Who murdered the freighter doctor, Ray, and why? Keamy, to make an example so Frank would start the chopper.
- Why does the message from the freighter say that the doctor is fine? He was. Due to weird time distortion, the doctor was alive on the boat, yet his body washed up onto the island.
- What happened to Claire, and why did she leave Aaron behind? She is in Jacob's cabin, and Aaron is "where he is supposed to be."
- What station is the Dharma logo on Ben's jacket from? The Orchid.
- What is the lie that Jack and Kate are telling? The plane crashed in the water, several of them made their way out before it sank, eight of them were able to swim to a small island island off the coast of Indonesia, they were rescued after taking a raft to Indonesia.
- If Kate claims to be Aaron's biological mother, how does she explain her pregnancy? The question was dismissed by the Oceanic 6 representative because it related to Kate's "legal issue."
- Does Jack know Aaron is his nephew? Yes, he is told by Claire's mother that he is Claire's half-brother.
- Does Frank want the beach survivors to follow him? He gave them the phone so they would stay away.
- Where were the Others taking Kate and Sayid? To Ben, to free him.
- Who was Ben communicating with when he used the mirror? What did he say? He was telling the Alpert and Others to rescue him.
- What is the purpose of the Orchid station? Time/space experiments.
- What is on Keamy's arm? The dead-man's trigger for the dynamite on the freighter.
- What caused the interference on the freighter monitor? Keamy's broadcast to the C4.
- Why did Sawyer decide to stay on the Island? He jumped out of the chopper so the others could get to the freighter.
- Why is Ben wearing a parka? He put it on to turn the frozen donkey wheel.
- Why did Ben wake up the the desert? He was thrown into Tunisia when after he island moved.
- Why did Ben not know what year it was? He was thrown into 2005 suddenly after the island moved.
- How did Ben get off the island? When Ben moved the island he was thrown off of it.
- If Hurley went with Locke, why is he off the Island? Hurley went with Locke, but once Keamy and his men came, Jack went to find Hurley so he could get off with them.
- Why is Hurley sorry he went with Locke instead of Jack? It seems Hurley wanted to say something kind, and implies he would have been better off trusting Jack.
- Why will the Oceanic Six not tell anyone about what happened on the island? Jack says they have to lie to protect those left on the island from people who would try to find it.
- How did Jack and Kate get off the island? Jack, Kate, Aaron, Sawyer, Desmond, Hurley, Sayid, and Frank boarded the helicopter off the island. Sawyer jumped out. Sun rode the raft to the boat with Daniel and Jin. Sun boarded the helicopter, but the boat blew up. The island disappeared, so they crashed into the ocean. Penny found them a few hours later. She took them near an island, where Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, and Aaron boarded a liferaft to sail to to the island.
- How does Kate become Aaron's "mother?" She "adopts" him after leaving the island and claims that she gave birth to him while on the island.
- Why is Jack intent on returning to the island? Locke told him "very bad things" happened after they left.
- Who is the second person Sun blames for Jin's death? She blames Jack.
- Who is in the coffin? Locke.
- What is the purpose of the Arrow station? The Arrow station is used to devise defensive strategies against the native Hostiles.
- What is the "safe place" Sayid talks about? It's an apartment, but it was compromised.
- Why is Sun contacting Widmore? She wants to kill Ben.
- Where did the Island go? It has become "unhinged" in time and is moving around unpredictably.
- What happened to Daniel and the others on the raft? They were inside the radius of the island and moved along with it.
- What "very bad things" happened on the island after the Oceanic 6 left? The island is now moving around in time, disorienting the remaining survivors.
- Does Daniel remember Desmond from 1996? According to Daniel in this episode, he would remember Desmond. Because Desmond can "change things" Daniel may not have remembered him until Daniel told him to go visit himself in 1996.
- How do Daniel and Charlotte know about the Tempest? Daniel's notebook contains everything he learned about the Dharma Initiative.
- What does Penny know of his research? Penny knows what he has done, but she knows there is no way she can stop him.
- Where are Frank, Desmond, and Penny in the future? Desmond and Penny have a son, Charlie, and are on a boat three years after leaving the island.
- Who attacks the beach camp with flaming arrows? They are the Hostiles, later becoming the Others.
- Who are the soldiers who find Sawyer and Juliet? They are Hostiles. One of them is Charles Widmore.
- How does Widmore know about the island? Widmore was once on the island, as an Other/Hostile before the Dharma Initiative.
- Who hired the lawyers who are investigating Kate? Ben hired Dan Norton.
- Why is Charlotte having nosebleeds? The nosebleeds are a result of the island moving through time and the length of time the person spent on the island.
- What sickness were the "others" the carriers of? The monster somehow changed or became Lacombe, Robert, and Brennan. Rousseau believed they were sick, and killed all three of them. Rousseau believes that the Others carried the sickness because she thinks Jin was an Other, and he disappeared shortly after the Monster took Montand.
- If the Monster truly is a security system, what is it protecting the island from? And how? Robert claims that the Monster is a security system that protects the temple on the island.
- What is Charlotte's history on the island? Charlotte was born on the island while the Dharma Initiative was there. Her mother took her off the island while she was still young, but before leaving, she encountered a "crazy man" who she believed was Daniel Faraday. He told her that if she ever returned, she would die.
- How did Locke get to the mainland? He turned the frozen donkey wheel, like Ben.
- Who is Daniel's mother? Daniel's mother is Eloise Hawking.
- Will Hurley eventually listen to Charlie? Hurley listened and eventually returned to the island.
- Why does the Island need everyone to come back? To return to the island, they have to recreate the conditions of the original crash as much as possible.
- What will happen after 70 hours? The plane that could return them to the island (flight 316) will take off.
- Who is Matthew Abaddon really? Matthew Abaddon worked for Charles Widmore and made sure people got to "where they need to be."
- Did the island really belong to Widmore as he says? The island does not "belong" to Widmore, but he was the leader of the Others.
- What is Matthew Abaddon's relationship to the Island/the Others? Matthew Abaddon worked for Charles Widmore and made sure people got to "where they need to be."
- How did Locke die? Locke was going to commit suicide, but Ben talked him out of it and then murdered him.
- Where are Sun, Sayid, Ben, and Locke? Locke and Ben are apparently in another timeline on the Hydra island.
- How does Daniel begin working with the Dharma Initiative in the past? From this episode, we can see that the people who were left behind are transported to 1974 when Locke turns the wheel. Over the next three years, they integrate themselves into Dharma.
- Where are Sun, Sayid, Ben, and Locke? As we found out in The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham, Ben and Locke are on the Hydra island. In this episode, we find out Sun is in the same time period, thirty years after 1977. Sayid is in 1977.
- Where did the pilot and the woman go? Frank and Sun went to the main island to find Jin.
- Who is the woman? Sun is the woman.
- What time did the Ajira plane land in? The plane landed around 30 years after 1977.
- Who does Amy's son grow up to be? Amy and Horace named their son Ethan.
- Who else is on Sayid's list besides the economist? According to Ben, the list contained Widmore's people that posed a threat to the Oceanic 6.
- How has Ben kept the Oceanic 6 safe? The implication in the episode is that Ben told Sayid who to kill so they would be safe.
- Why is Sayid being taken to Guam? He was captured by a bounty hunter for the family of a man he killed.
- Will Kate find that Sawyer and Cassidy had a relationship? Yes, when Kate went to visit Clementine, she found out that Sawyer and Cassidy had been a couple.
- What was Kate doing for Sawyer? Kate promised Sawyer that she would take care of his daughter, Clementine.
- What did Kate do with Aaron? Kate gave Aaron to his grandmother, Carole Littleton.
- What happens to Ben after he is shot? Unable to save him, Juliet allows Kate and Sawyer to take Ben to the Others. According to Richard, saving Ben means his innocence will be gone, and Ben will forever belong to them.
- What is the hole Locke is pulled into? These holes around the island seem to be "tunnels" through which the Monster can travel.
- Why did the Monster not attack Eko? Based on what Ben experiences, it judged Eko to be "good," or at least gave him another chance.
- What are the flashes inside the Monster (apparently Eko's past) representative of? The Monster appeared to "scan" people to judge them.
- Why did the Monster kill Eko? Based on the information given in this episode, it would appear that the Monster did not like Eko's refusal to repent for his actions and killed him.
- What did Ben do to "control" the Monster and why is he dirty? It seems Ben cannot control the Monster, but instead told it about the mercenaries and it attacked them. He is dirty because he had to crawl down a tunnel to summon it.
- How did Widmore leave the island? After it was discovered that he had a daughter off the island, he was forced to leave. He left via the sub.
- What did Ben do and why is he beat up? Ben went to kill Penny, but stopped after he realized she had a son. Desmond attacked Ben once he realized what Ben was doing.
- Why did Ben kill Locke? Ben claims he did it to make sure that the Oceanic 6 would return, due to the shock of Locke's death, he just didn't have time to talk Locke back into suicide.
- Why are the numbers on the hatch? The numbers are the serial number for the hatch door.
- What is the nature of Miles's abilities? Miles can "hear" corpses speak, but cannot talk back to them.
- Why/How were Daniel, Miles, Charlotte, and Frank selected? Daniel was selected due to his knowledge of science and the Dharma Initiative. Miles was selected for his ability to communicate with the dead. Charlotte was likely selected because she had been on the island previous and for her anthropology work. Frank was selected because he is an excellent pilot.
- Why does Miles want exactly 3.2 million dollars? After meeting Ben and knowing there was another "side" opposing Widmore, Miles assumed Ben was with Bram. He asked for double what Widmore's people were paying him: $1.6 million.
- What does Miles know about Ben? Miles doesn't know much about Ben, but assumed he is working with Bram's people, who know about Miles's ability and his father.
- Where is Daniel? Daniel has been in Ann Arbor.
- Was Pierre Chang (Marvin Candle)'s baby born on the island? Yes, Pierre Chang's baby (Miles) was born on the island. Miles said he saw his mom soon after they got to 1977, so he must have been born on the island.
- Why does Daniel have trouble remembering three cards? Because of experiments he performed on himself, Daniel has very intense memory problems.
- Did Ben really stage the 815 crash, as Captain Gault implies? No, Widmore admits that he did it.
- Where did the bodies on the fake plane come from? Presumably the bodies came from the graves that Tom's photo shows in Meet Kevin Johnson.
- Did Widmore fabricate the fake 815 as Tom says? Yes, Widmore admits that he did it.
- Why does Daniel recognize Ellie? Ellie is Eloise Hawking, Daniel's mother.
- What was Daniel doing in Ann Arbor? Daniel was doing research for the Swan station.
- What happened to the hydrogen bomb? The bomb is in the tunnels underneath the Dharma barracks.
- Where has Sayid gone? Sayid has been in the jungle.
- How does Richard get past the sonic fence? As seen in this episode, there are tunnels that cross under the island.
- What healed Locke? From this episode, we can assume that Jacob healed Locke for his own purposes.
- How does the Island heal? It seems Jacob heals who he sees fit.
- What exactly happened in the incident? The Incident was caused by Dharma drilling into a massive electromagnetic pocket.
- How does Richard Alpert not appear to age between Ben's childhood and thirty years later? Jacob has blessed him with the ability not to age.
- Why does Jacob not like technology? It seems to simply be a personal preference, but now doubt has been cast on the assumption that the reaction to Locke's flashlight was Jacob.
- Where are Rose and Bernard? Rose and Bernard have been living in the jungle for three years, not wanting to join the Dharma Initiative.
- How does Locke instinctively know where the Monster is? Locke is not truly Locke, but Jacob's nemesis.
- Why did Ilana and Bram ask Frank "what lies in the shadow of the statue? Ilana and Bram knew that who knew the answer would be someone they could trust. Richard replies with "Ille qui nos omnes servabit" which translated means "He who will protect/save us all."
- What is in the crate? Locke's body.
- Why is Locke intending to kill Jacob? Locke is really Jacob's nemesis.
- Do the "others" truly make the whispers as Rousseau says? It seems that they do, based on the whispering in the Temple.
- What is the white dust/ash around Jacob's cabin? The white ash creates a kind of "barrier" the Monster can't pass through.
- Why did Hurley decide to go on flight 316? Jacob told him to.
- What exactly does Richard do to young Ben? Most likely, Richard put Ben into the same pool Sayid is put into.
- What is in Hurley's guitar case? A giant wooden ankh with a message from Jacob inside.
- What happens after Juliet detonates the bomb? Two timelines are created. In one, the survivors return to the plane right before it flies over the island and they do not remember the past three years of their lives. In the other, the survivors are transported to 2007 (the present).
- Is Juliet dead? No, not when Jughead explodes, but after she is transported to 2007, she dies. She is probably still alive in the other timeline.
- Why shouldn't Locke tell anyone about Claire? Christian didn't want Locke to tell anyone about Claire so she would continue to be "claimed."
- Who is the Japanese leader of the Temple-dwelling Others? His name is Dogan.
- How did Sayid return to life? He was revived because he was claimed.
- How did so many people (48, plus the pilot) survive the plane crash? Many of the survivors were candidates, so this explains the high number.
- Why did the "monster" take and then kill the pilot? Based on the blond kid's remark ("You know the rules. You can't kill him.") to Jacob's nemesis, the nemesis cannot kill candidates. This means that the pilot was not a candidate.
- What is the Temple? Richard says the Temple is a safe haven from Jacob's nemesis. This is because of the ash.
- Where is Jacob's nemesis taking Richard? He took Richard into the jungle to try to get Richard on his side.
- Why do the numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) continue to show up in the pasts of the survivors (such as the plane being flight 815)? The numbers relate to degrees on a compass. Each angle shows a different person who is called to the island. These numbers are entwined with the survivor's lives as Jacob impacts them to get them to the Island.
- Are Claire and the tail section who were assimilated into the Others also moving through time? No, Claire and Justin's discussion shows that she remained in 2005 and continued normally to 2007. The Others at the Temple also make no indication they moved in time.
- What has Claire been doing for three years? Claire has been in the jungle for three years, living similar to Danielle Rousseau.
- What has "claimed" Sayid? If not Jacob's nemesis, then on his side.
- What is going to happen to at the temple? Jacob's nemesis attacks, killing Others and bringing them to his side.
- What is Ilana's relationship to Jacob before he visits her? Ilana says Jacob was like a father to her.
- Who is coming to the island? Charles Widmore.
- Why is Charles Widmore returning to the island? It seems he's returning to fight against Jacob's nemesis.
- At what point in time does the statue exist? The statue exists before 1867, but is destroyed by the Black Rock when it crashes into the island.
- Why was Richard once in chains? Richard was a prisoner on the Black Rock.
- What is Richard's relationship to Jacob's nemesis/the Monster? The Monster came to Richard and scanned him, then lied to him and tried to get him to kill Jacob. Jacob told Richard the truth and granted him eternal life.
- What's inside the locked room of the submarine? Desmond is in the locked room.
- What happened to Desmond in the alternate timeline? Desmond is working for Widmore and was in Sydney on a business trip.
- Why did Widmore bring Desmond to the Island? Widmore says Desmond must "make a sacrifice."
- What are the whispers? The whispers are people who have died on the island and are unable to "move on" because of what they did in life.
- How is Jack's dad, Christian, walking around on the island? Jacob's nemesis took the form of Christian.
- Is Christian really dead? Yes.
- Why is Christian Shepherd in Jacob's cabin? It's actually Jacob's nemesis; Jacob had abandoned it.
- Where is Jacob and why are Christian and Claire in his cabin? Christian is Jacob's nemesis. Claire has been "taken" by him, and Jacob abandoned the cabin.
- Does Kwon refer to Jin or Sun? Kwon is Sun, because Jin made the choice to stay, effectively killing himself, something candidates cannot do.
- In the new timeline, how does Locke end up in the wheelchair if he has a good relationship with his father? Locke crashed a plane, resulting in his paralysis and Anthony Cooper's vegetative state.
- What is the "monster?" The Monster is Jacob's brother after coming in contact with the exotic matter/light.
- Who are Adam and Eve, and where did they come from? Adam and Eve are the bodies of Jacob's brother and his "Mother."
- What are the black and white stones with Adam and Eve? The stones are from a game of Senet played by Jacob and his brother.
- Who are the natives on the island? People are continually brought to the island over the years. There appear to be no true natives.
- What is the true nature of Jacob? Jacob was a man born on the island who was blessed by "Mother," giving him long life as the protector of the island.
- Jacob's nemesis says he wants to go home. Where is "home?" The island is his actual home, but he's referring to his mother's place of birth: the outside world.
- Who is the blond kid Jacob's nemesis sees? Its Jacob as a child.
- Why is Jacob's nemesis's mother crazy? She had questionable means of protecting them and trying to get them to protect the island after her.
- What is Jacob's nemesis's "growing pains?" He is perhaps talking about his transformation into the Monster.
- Who is Jacob's nemesis's mother? Actually their foster mother, she protected the Source before Jacob.
- Why did Desmond hit Locke with his car in the flashsideways? Desmond says he wanted Locke to "let go."
- What more does Desmond have to do with the island? Desmond is Jacob's plan in the event all candidates are killed.
- What does Jacob want Jack to do? Jacob wants Jack to become the protector of the island.
- Why is Zoe interested in electromagnetism? Jacob and Widmore's last resort involved Desmond's resistance to electromagnetism.
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