- Why did Jack wake up so far from the crash site?
- How did the dog (Vincent) survive the plane crash unharmed?
- What is the "eye of the island?"
- Why is Christian not in the coffin?
- How did Sun know how to make the medicine from eucalyptus?
- Where did the nickname "Hurley" come from?
- Who left the trail that Locke and Boone followed?
- What is the significance of Rousseau writing La Mer on her notes?
- Did Walt summon the bird that crashed into the glass?
- Did Walt summon the polar bear by accident?
- Does Walt have some kind of "power?"
- Is the triangle on Rousseau's map the black rock?
- Why would Sawyer have killed Hibbs the next time he saw him?
- What is the "Tampa job?"
- What is the bad luck surrounding Hurley and Sam Toomey? Is there a curse?
- Why were the numbers being broadcast from the island?
- How does Walt know about the hatch, and why does he not want Locke to open it?
- Why do the Others want Walt?
- Why does the hatch door say "quarantine" on it?
- How and why did Walt appear to Shannon?
- Why is there a glass eye in the Arrow?
- How did the horse from Kate's past appear on the island?
- If the smugglers were taking the Beechcraft (a short range plane) out of the country, why was it flying over the Pacific?
- Why do hieroglyphics appear when the timer goes to zero?
- Why is there a food drop on the island after Dharma has apparently been long gone?
- Why is Libby in the mental institution with Hurley?
- Why does Marvin Candle call himself Mark Wickmund?
- What does the vaccination do?
- Why did the Others take Michael's blood?
- What is "the room?"
- What is the origin of the four toed statue?
- Based on the way the notebooks are dumped in the field, what was the true purpose of the Pearl? Was it the experiment?
- How did Penelope Widmore know to look for electromagnetic disturbances?
- How did Locke, Eko, and Desmond get out of the Swan if it imploded? Also, how was the quarantine door blown into the air?
- Why did Locke see a bright light when he saw the Monster?
- What does Eko mean by "you're next?"
- Who is on Jacob's list?
- How does Mrs. Hawking know the future?
- Why was Locke wet after putting the C-4 on the sub?
- What was the bright light the Monster gave off and why did it retreat afterwards?
- Why do pregnant woman die on the island?
- If no one on the island gets cancer, why does Ben have a tumor?
- Did Jacob really cure Rachel or did her cancer never come back?
- What is Brother Campbell's relation to Mrs. Hawking?
- How did Anthony Cooper get the to Island?
- What happened to Annie in the purge?
- How did Walt appear to Locke?
- How is Jacob's cabin moving around?
- How did Charlie visit Hurley (and how did another patient also see him)?
- Why did Daniel cry after finding out 815 crashed?
- How did the Dharma polar bear get to Tunisia?
- Why did Naomi think there may be 815 survivors, and why did Abbadon insist there weren't?
- Who is the RC on Naomi's bracelet?
- Why didn't Frank want Daniel to talk if Minkowski answered?
- Why do physical objects take longer to reach the island than radio signals or other communications?
- Who is Elsa's employer?
- Why doesn't Jack want to see Aaron?
- Why is time perception different off the island?
- Why did the freighter people not want Frank to bring Desmond and Sayid?
- How did Ben communicate with Harper?
- Why did Goodwin lie about his chemical burn?
- Harper says that Juliet looks just like "her." Who is she referring to?
- Who/what was making the noise Sayid and Desmond noticed?
- Why was Hurley glad no one would be with him and Sun?
- Why is Michael seeing Libby? Is it simply guilt, or something else?
- What are the "rules" that have changed?
- Why can't Ben kill Widmore?
- How is Christian appearing to Jack?
- How do Daniel and Keamy know about the Orchid?
- Why did Miles decide to stay on the island?
- How does Miles know Charlotte has been on the island before?
- Why did Christian appear to Michael?
- Why did Richard and the rest of the Others not move through time?
- Why do the rules of time not apply to Desmond?
- What did Ben take out of the air vent?
- Who is Jill, the woman Ben visits at the butcher shop?
- Who are Jeffery and Gabriel?
- How does Ben know Mrs. Hawking?
- What happened to the US military on the island?
- Dharma and the later others left the island via the Dharma sub, so how do the Hostiles leave the island?
- Who was the group shooting at Locke, Sawyer, Juliet and the others?
- Who are Charlotte's parents?
- The temple appears to be older than Dharma, so who built it?
- Who built the pendulum?
- What was Caesar looking for?
- Why did Ben kill Locke?
- What happened to Olivia Goodspeed?
- Why was Sun the only member of the Oceanic 6 not to be transported to 1977?
- Did Dharma know about the doorway that is in Ben's house?
- How does Widmore know 815 didn't crash?
- What is Richard talking about when he says that he watched Jack, Kate, and Hurley die?
- What is the name of Jacob's nemesis?
- Why is Ilana bandaged?
- Who does Jacob mean when he says "they are coming?"
- What happened to the island to sink it in the alternate timeline?
- Why does Juliet say "we should go get coffee" and "we can go Dutch?"
- Why is Jack's neck cut in the alternate timeline?
- What happened to Christian's body in the alternate timeline?
- Is this the same sickness Rousseau talked about or Dharma had vaccinations for?
- Why does Kate seem to recognize Jack and the name "Aaron?"
- Why did Ilana take Jacob's ashes?
- Why is Jacob's nemesis trapped in Locke's form?
- Why is the blond kid bloody?
- Can Sawyer see the boy while Richard can't?
- Why does Jack not seem to remember his appendectomy?
- Who is Jack's wife in the new timeline?
- Why did Ben and Roger leave the island in the new timeline?
- Ilana states there are six candidates. If Locke and Sayid are not counted, and Sun and Jin are both counted, who is the sixth?
- In the new timeline, who's child is Sun carrying?
- Why is Desmond so willing to go with Sayid?
- What's the sacrifice Widmore says Desmond has to make?
- What did Eloise meant when she said "it's a violation?"
- Why did Jacob's nemesis push Desmond down a well?
Dude these are really helpful :)
I don't understand why these questions have to be answered. That's the beauty of the show. And it would have been a boring finale if all they did was answer stupid questions like, "why did Jack wake up so far from the crash."
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