Unanswered Questions

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 by Gideon

  1. Why did Jack wake up so far from the crash site?
  2. How did the dog (Vincent) survive the plane crash unharmed?
  3. What is the "eye of the island?"
  4. Why is Christian not in the coffin?
  5. How did Sun know how to make the medicine from eucalyptus?
  6. Where did the nickname "Hurley" come from?
  7. Who left the trail that Locke and Boone followed?
  8. What is the significance of Rousseau writing La Mer on her notes?
  9. Did Walt summon the bird that crashed into the glass?
  10. Did Walt summon the polar bear by accident?
  11. Does Walt have some kind of "power?"
  12. Is the triangle on Rousseau's map the black rock?
  13. Why would Sawyer have killed Hibbs the next time he saw him?
  14. What is the "Tampa job?"
  15. What is the bad luck surrounding Hurley and Sam Toomey? Is there a curse?
  16. Why were the numbers being broadcast from the island?
  17. How does Walt know about the hatch, and why does he not want Locke to open it?
  18. Why do the Others want Walt?
  19. Why does the hatch door say "quarantine" on it?
  20. How and why did Walt appear to Shannon?
  21. Why is there a glass eye in the Arrow?
  22. How did the horse from Kate's past appear on the island?
  23. If the smugglers were taking the Beechcraft (a short range plane) out of the country, why was it flying over the Pacific?
  24. Why do hieroglyphics appear when the timer goes to zero?
  25. Why is there a food drop on the island after Dharma has apparently been long gone?
  26. Why is Libby in the mental institution with Hurley?
  27. Why does Marvin Candle call himself Mark Wickmund?
  28. What does the vaccination do?
  29. Why did the Others take Michael's blood?
  30. What is "the room?"
  31. What is the origin of the four toed statue?
  32. Based on the way the notebooks are dumped in the field, what was the true purpose of the Pearl? Was it the experiment?
  33. How did Penelope Widmore know to look for electromagnetic disturbances?
  34. How did Locke, Eko, and Desmond get out of the Swan if it imploded? Also, how was the quarantine door blown into the air?
  35. Why did Locke see a bright light when he saw the Monster?
  36. What does Eko mean by "you're next?"
  37. Who is on Jacob's list?
  38. How does Mrs. Hawking know the future?
  39. Why was Locke wet after putting the C-4 on the sub?
  40. What was the bright light the Monster gave off and why did it retreat afterwards?
  41. Why do pregnant woman die on the island?
  42. If no one on the island gets cancer, why does Ben have a tumor?
  43. Did Jacob really cure Rachel or did her cancer never come back?
  44. What is Brother Campbell's relation to Mrs. Hawking?
  45. How did Anthony Cooper get the to Island?
  46. What happened to Annie in the purge?
  47. How did Walt appear to Locke?
  48. How is Jacob's cabin moving around?
  49. How did Charlie visit Hurley (and how did another patient also see him)?
  50. Why did Daniel cry after finding out 815 crashed?
  51. How did the Dharma polar bear get to Tunisia?
  52. Why did Naomi think there may be 815 survivors, and why did Abbadon insist there weren't?
  53. Who is the RC on Naomi's bracelet?
  54. Why didn't Frank want Daniel to talk if Minkowski answered?
  55. Why do physical objects take longer to reach the island than radio signals or other communications?
  56. Who is Elsa's employer?
  57. Why doesn't Jack want to see Aaron?
  58. Why is time perception different off the island?
  59. Why did the freighter people not want Frank to bring Desmond and Sayid?
  60. How did Ben communicate with Harper?
  61. Why did Goodwin lie about his chemical burn?
  62. Harper says that Juliet looks just like "her." Who is she referring to?
  63. Who/what was making the noise Sayid and Desmond noticed?
  64. Why was Hurley glad no one would be with him and Sun?
  65. Why is Michael seeing Libby? Is it simply guilt, or something else?
  66. What are the "rules" that have changed?
  67. Why can't Ben kill Widmore?
  68. How is Christian appearing to Jack?
  69. How do Daniel and Keamy know about the Orchid?
  70. Why did Miles decide to stay on the island?
  71. How does Miles know Charlotte has been on the island before?
  72. Why did Christian appear to Michael?
  73. Why did Richard and the rest of the Others not move through time?
  74. Why do the rules of time not apply to Desmond?
  75. What did Ben take out of the air vent?
  76. Who is Jill, the woman Ben visits at the butcher shop?
  77. Who are Jeffery and Gabriel?
  78. How does Ben know Mrs. Hawking?
  79. What happened to the US military on the island?
  80. Dharma and the later others left the island via the Dharma sub, so how do the Hostiles leave the island?
  81. Who was the group shooting at Locke, Sawyer, Juliet and the others?
  82. Who are Charlotte's parents?
  83. The temple appears to be older than Dharma, so who built it?
  84. Who built the pendulum?
  85. What was Caesar looking for?
  86. Why did Ben kill Locke?
  87. What happened to Olivia Goodspeed?
  88. Why was Sun the only member of the Oceanic 6 not to be transported to 1977?
  89. Did Dharma know about the doorway that is in Ben's house?
  90. How does Widmore know 815 didn't crash?
  91. What is Richard talking about when he says that he watched Jack, Kate, and Hurley die?
  92. What is the name of Jacob's nemesis?
  93. Why is Ilana bandaged?
  94. Who does Jacob mean when he says "they are coming?"
  95. What happened to the island to sink it in the alternate timeline?
  96. Why does Juliet say "we should go get coffee" and "we can go Dutch?"
  97. Why is Jack's neck cut in the alternate timeline?
  98. What happened to Christian's body in the alternate timeline?
  99. Is this the same sickness Rousseau talked about or Dharma had vaccinations for?
  100. Why does Kate seem to recognize Jack and the name "Aaron?"
  101. Why did Ilana take Jacob's ashes?
  102. Why is Jacob's nemesis trapped in Locke's form?
  103. Why is the blond kid bloody?
  104. Can Sawyer see the boy while Richard can't?
  105. Why does Jack not seem to remember his appendectomy?
  106. Who is Jack's wife in the new timeline?
  107. Why did Ben and Roger leave the island in the new timeline?
  108. Ilana states there are six candidates. If Locke and Sayid are not counted, and Sun and Jin are both counted, who is the sixth?
  109. In the new timeline, who's child is Sun carrying?
  110. Why is Desmond so willing to go with Sayid?
  111. What's the sacrifice Widmore says Desmond has to make?
  112. What did Eloise meant when she said "it's a violation?"
  113. Why did Jacob's nemesis push Desmond down a well?

Filed under having


Derek said...

Dude these are really helpful :)

William said...

I don't understand why these questions have to be answered. That's the beauty of the show. And it would have been a boring finale if all they did was answer stupid questions like, "why did Jack wake up so far from the crash."