Through the Looking Glass

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. What is the Temple?
  2. How did Walt appear to Locke?
  3. Who is in the coffin?
  4. Is Ben right about Naomi?
  5. If the boat isn't Penny's, who does it belong to?
  6. How did Jack and Kate get off the island?
  7. Who else got off the island?
  8. How is Kate able to see Jack if she is a known fugitive?
  9. Why is Jack intent on returning to the island?
  10. What is the lie that Jack and Kate are telling?
  11. Who is the "he" Kate refers to?

Answers Given:
  1. Who are the women in the Looking Glass? They are Bonnie and Greta. They were sent to the Looking Glass by Ben to jam transmissions. Ben told the rest of the Others that they were on assignment in Canada.
  2. What are the Others making Kate and Sawyer work on? They were working on a runway.
  3. Why is Karl in the cage next to Sawyer? Ben didn't want Karl to get Alex pregnant.
  4. What will Penny do? She called out somehow to the area the signal she found came from.
  5. Will Charlie really die? Yes, Charlie dies so everyone else can leave the island.

Greatest Hits

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Who are the women in the Looking Glass?

Answers Given:
  1. Why is Rousseau getting dynamite? Rousseau was getting dynamite for Jack after Juliet told him that the Others were coming to the beach camp.
  2. Why has the signal been playing for 16 years and 8 months? Ben has been using the Dharma station the Looking Glass to block signals leaving the Island.
  3. Why has a rescue team not come yet? Along with the plane being several hundred miles off course, Ben has been blocking signals leaving the Island from the Looking Glass station.
  4. Where is the signal broadcasting from? Rousseau's distress call was broadcast from a radio tower on the island.
  5. Where does the cable lead to and from? The cable leads inward to the Flame station, while the other end leads to the Looking Glass station underwater.

The Man Behind the Curtain

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Who are the natives on the island?
  2. What is the white dust/ash around Jacob's cabin?
  3. How does Richard Alpert not appear to age between Ben's childhood and thirty years later?
  4. What is the true nature of Jacob?
  5. Why does Jacob not like technology?
  6. What happened to Annie in the purge?

Answers Given:
  1. Has Ben really been on the Island his whole life? No, he was born outside of Portland. He came to the island when he was a child.
  2. Who is Jacob? Jacob is Ben's superior. Only Ben talks to him.
  3. Who is the "magnificent man" Mikhail talks about who is above Ben? Mikhail was apparently talking about Jacob.
  4. Who is Roger? Roger is Ben's father.
  5. How is Mikhail alive? The power on the fence was at a low setting.
  6. What does Juliet want to tell Kate? Juliet wanted to tell Kate about the Others coming to the beach camp.
  7. What was the purge really? In the purge, Ben and the hostiles killed much of the Dharma Initiative with chemical gas.

The Brig

Wednesday, May 2, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. How did Anthony Cooper get the to Island?
  2. Why is Rousseau getting dynamite?
  3. What does Juliet want to tell Kate?

Answers Given:
  1. What is the "box" Ben describes? The box is a metaphor.
  2. Who is the parachutist? Her name is Naomi Dorrit. She comes from a freighter 80 nautical miles west of the island. She's part of a search and recovery team.
  3. What will Penny do? She sent Naomi and her team to rescue Desmond.
  4. Why does the parachutist have a picture of Desmond and how does she know him? She was sent by Penny to rescue Desmond.
  5. Who is the real Sawyer? The original Sawyer is Anthony Cooper, Locke's father.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. How is Mikhail alive?
  2. Is Kate pregnant?
  3. How was 815 found with no survivors?

Answers Given:
  1. How far along is Sun's pregnancy? As of Day 90 on the island, Sun is about 8 weeks pregnant.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Why does the parachutist have a picture of Desmond and how does she know him?
  2. What is Brother Campbell's relation to Mrs. Hawking?
  3. Who is the parachutist?

Answers Given:
  1. None.

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One of Us

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Why do pregnant woman die on the island?
  2. If no one on the island gets cancer, why does Ben have a tumor?
  3. Did Jacob really cure Rachel or did her cancer never come back?

Answers Given:
  1. Why does "Mittelos Bioscience" want a fertility doctor? All pregnant women on the island die.
  2. How did the Others get information on Jack? Mikhail is able to get information about off-island events.

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Left Behind

Wednesday, April 4, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Will Kate find that Sawyer and Cassidy had a relationship?
  2. What was the bright light the Monster gave off and why did it retreat afterwards?

Answers Given:
  1. Why did Kate's mom call for help in the hospital? She told Kate that the next time she saw Kate, she would call for help.
  2. What does the pylon fence keep in or out? The fence keeps the Monster away from the homes of the Others.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. None.

Answers Given:
  1. How did Shannon know about the Haliburton case? Previously, only Jack and Kate had known. Kate let it slip to Shannon as shown in a flashback.
  2. Will Sun ever find out who really kidnapped her? Charlie admitted he kidnapped Sun.

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The Man from Tallahassee

Wednesday, March 21, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Where does the power for the Other's houses come from?
  2. What is the "box" Ben describes?
  3. Why was Locke wet after putting the C-4 on the sub?

Answers Given:
  1. Why is Jack playing football with Tom? Jack made a deal with Ben to be allowed to leave the Island.
  2. How did Locke lose the use of his legs? His father, Anthony Cooper, pushed him out of a eight-story window.

Par Avion

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Who is the "magnificent man" Mikhail talks about who is above Ben?/li>
  2. What does the pylon fence keep in or out?
  3. Why is Jack playing football with Tom?

Answers Given:
  1. What do the Others use the submarine for? Mikhail was brought with the submarine. It is used to go to and from the Island.
  2. Based on Goodwin's comments, do the Others kidnap survivors based on if they are "good people?" Based on what Mikhail says, the people on the "list" are not flawed, and are not welcomed by the Others.
  3. Why has Claire's mother essentially "disowned" her? Although it's strange for Claire's boyfriend to describe it that way, it seems that because Claire's mother is in a coma, he describes it as "disownment."
  4. How did the 815 survivors never find the community of the Others? The pylon fence surrounds the community.
  5. Where is Claire's father now? Claire's father is Christian Shepherd, Jack's dad. Claire was the result of an affair.
  6. Who is Christian Shepherd's daughter in Australia? Christian's daughter is Claire.

Enter 77

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. What was the purge really?

Answers Given:
  1. Who is the man with the eye patch? His name is Mikhail Bakunin. He is an Other.
  2. Where does the cable lead to and from? The cable leads from the Flame. According to Mikhail, it leads to an underwater beacon that emits sonar pings.

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Tricia Tanaka Is Dead

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Who is Roger?

Answers Given:
  1. Where is Hurley's dad? Hurley's dad left when he was only a boy. He returned once he heard Hurley won the lottery, seventeen years later.

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Stranger in a Strange Land

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. None.

Answers Given:
  1. Where did the Others take Cindy? They took Cindy to live with them. The rest of the people they took appear to be okay and have been taken care of.
  2. Why does Jack, a spinal surgeon, have so many tattoos? Jack received his first tattoo in Thailand.

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Flashes Before Your Eyes

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. How does Mrs. Hawking know the future?
  2. Will Charlie really die?

Answers Given:
  1. How was Desmond able to anticipate the lightning? Desmond, after turning the key and returning to the island, is experiencing "flashes" of the future.
  2. How could Desmond know about Locke's speech which hadn't been given yet? Desmond, after turning the key and returning to the island, is experiencing "flashes" of the future.

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Not In Portland

Wednesday, February 7, 2007 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Why does "Mittelos Bioscience" want a fertility doctor?

Answers Given:
  1. None.

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