Live Together, Die Alone

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Why couldn't Desmond escape the island?
  2. Why was Desmond dishonorably discharged from Royal Scots Regiment?
  3. What is the origin of the four toed statue?
  4. What exactly happened in the incident?
  5. Based on the way the notebooks are dumped in the field, what was the true purpose of the Pearl? Was it the experiment?
  6. What happened to the hatch?
  7. What happened to Locke, Eko, and Desmond?
  8. Why does Michael have to follow the bearing of 325?
  9. What happened to Michael and Walt after leaving the Island?
  10. How did Penelope Widmore know to look for electromagnetic disturbances?
  11. What will Penny do?

Answers Given:
  1. Who is in the sailboat offshore? Desmond is in the sailboat.
  2. Where did Desmond go? He took a sailboat away believing that he could escape the island, be he was unable.
  3. Who painted the blast door map? Kelvin Inman's old partner, Radzinski started it, then committed suicide. Kevin continued it.
  4. What is the "incident?" The "incident" was a leak of electromagnetic material from the Swan.
  5. Why does Desmond have to enter the numbers into the computer? Entering the numbers and pushing the button releases electromagnetic material that builds up in the Swan.
  6. What's behind the door marked with the Dharma symbol? Nothing, just a stone wall.
  7. Where does the pneumatic tube go to? The pneumatic tube in the Pearl simply dumps the notebooks in a field.
  8. What is the log in the Pearl a log of? The Pearl log is a log of the times the button was pushed.
  9. Did Henry push the button? He had to, a system failure was never experienced.
  10. Why did the plane crash, and why did it rip apart? Desmond's failure to push the button most likely interfered with the plane's mechanisms (electromagnetic interference), and that plus the turbulence caused it to rip apart.
  11. What is "Zeke's" real name? Zeke's true name is Tom.
  12. Is the Swan really just a test? No, the Swan is not a test. The button must be pushed to release electromagnetic buildup.
  13. Would not pushing the button really mean death for everyone on the island? It would seem that failure to push the button would destroy the Island, the buildup only stopped once Desmond pushed the button.

Three Minutes

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. What does the vaccination do?
  2. What's behind the door marked with the Dharma symbol?
  3. Why did the Others take Michael's blood?
  4. What does Walt mean when he says that the Others aren't "who they say they are" and "they're pretending?"
  5. What is "the room?"
  6. What do the Others want Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley for? (Partly answered in Further Instructions and The Cost of Living.)
  7. Who is in the sailboat offshore?

Answers Given:
  1. What happened to Michael? After getting a gun, Michael was captured by the Others. He was allowed to see Walt. The Others told him to rescue Henry Gale and bring Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley to them.
  2. What does Desmond inject himself with? It's apparently a vaccination that Dharma participants were supposed to give themselves every nine days.
  3. Is the Alex "Zeke" refers to Rousseau's Alex? Yes, Alex Rousseau was with Zeke during the meeting at the line.
  4. Where are the Others keeping Walt? Walt was (at least for some time) kept in a small primitive village near a rock formation that looked like a window.
  5. Why would Michael shoot Ana Lucia and Libby? Michael shot Ana Lucia to help Henry escape; Libby was an accident.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. What is the log in the Pearl a log of?
  2. Where does the pneumatic tube go to?
  3. Why does Marvin Candle call himself Mark Wickmund?
  4. Is the Swan really just a test?

Answers Given:
  1. Did Malkin know the plane would crash and Claire would be forced to raise her baby? No, Malkin confessed to not being a psychic.
  2. Did Michael let Henry go free? Yes, Henry escaped because of Michael.
  3. Is Libby dead? Libby wasn't killed immediately, but her injuries were too great and she died soon after she was shot.

Two For the Road

Wednesday, May 3, 2006 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Who is Christian Shepherd's daughter in Australia?
  2. Why would Michael shoot Ana Lucia and Libby?
  3. Did Michael let Henry go free?
  4. Is Libby dead?

Answers Given:
  1. What is Henry's overall plan? Henry's plan was apparently to find Locke and take him to be with the Others, but this may just be mind games.