There's No Place Like Home, Part 2

Friday, May 30, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Why did Miles decide to stay on the island?
  2. How does Miles know Charlotte has been on the island before?
  3. What is Charlotte's history on the island?
  4. What is the "safe place" Sayid talks about?
  5. Why did Christian appear to Michael?
  6. Why is Sun contacting Widmore?
  7. Where did the Island go?
  8. What happened to Daniel and the others on the raft?
  9. Where are Frank, Desmond, and Penny in the future?
  10. What "very bad things" happened on the island after the Oceanic 6 left?
  11. Why does the Island need everyone to come back?
  12. How did Locke die?
  13. How did Locke get to the mainland?
Answers Given:
  1. Where were the Others taking Kate and Sayid? To Ben, to free him.
  2. Who was Ben communicating with when he used the mirror? What did he say? He was telling the Alpert and Others to rescue him.
  3. What is the purpose of the Orchid station? Time/space experiments.
  4. What is on Keamy's arm? The dead-man's trigger for the dynamite on the freighter.
  5. What caused the interference on the freighter monitor? Keamy's broadcast to the C4.
  6. Why did Sawyer decide to stay on the Island? He jumped out of the chopper so the others could get to the freighter.
  7. Why is Ben wearing a parka? He put it on to turn the frozen donkey wheel.
  8. Why did Ben wake up the the desert? He was thrown into Tunisia when after he island moved.
  9. Why did Ben not know what year it was? He was thrown into 2005 suddenly after the island moved.
  10. How did Ben get off the island? When Ben moved the island he was thrown off of it.
  11. If Hurley went with Locke, why is he off the Island? Hurley went with Locke, but once Keamy and his men came, Jack went to find Hurley so he could get off with them.
  12. Why is Hurley sorry he went with Locke instead of Jack? It seems Hurley wanted to say something kind, and implies he would have been better off trusting Jack.
  13. Why will the Oceanic Six not tell anyone about what happened on the island? Jack says they have to lie to protect those left on the island from people who would try to find it.
  14. How did Jack and Kate get off the island? Jack, Kate, Aaron, Sawyer, Desmond, Hurley, Sayid, and Frank boarded the helicopter off the island. Sawyer jumped out. Sun rode the raft to the boat with Daniel and Jin. Sun boarded the helicopter, but the boat blew up. The island disappeared, so they crashed into the ocean. Penny found them a few hours later. She took them near an island, where Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun, and Aaron boarded a liferaft to sail to to the island.
  15. How does Kate become Aaron's "mother?" She "adopts" him after leaving the island and claims that she gave birth to him while on the island.
  16. Why is Jack intent on returning to the island? Locke told him "very bad things" happened after they left.
  17. Who is the second person Sun blames for Jin's death? She blames Jack.
  18. Who is in the coffin? Locke.

There's No Place Like Home, Part 1

Thursday, May 15, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Who is the second person Sun blames for Jin's death?
  2. What is the purpose of the Orchid station?
  3. Who was Ben communicating with when he used the mirror? What did he say?
  4. How do Daniel and Keamy know about the Orchid?
  5. What caused the interference on the freighter monitor?
  6. Where were the Others taking Kate and Sayid?
Answers Given:
  1. What station is the Dharma logo on Ben's jacket from? The Orchid.
  2. What is the lie that Jack and Kate are telling? The plane crashed in the water, several of them made their way out before it sank, eight of them were able to swim to a small island island off the coast of Indonesia, they were rescued after taking a raft to Indonesia.
  3. If Kate claims to be Aaron's biological mother, how does she explain her pregnancy? The question was dismissed by the Oceanic 6 representative because it related to Kate's "legal issue."
  4. Does Jack know Aaron is his nephew? Yes, he is told by Claire's mother that he is Claire's half-brother.
  5. Does Frank want the beach survivors to follow him? He gave them the phone so they would stay away.

Cabin Fever

Thursday, May 8, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Why did Richard have reason to believe Locke was special?
  2. What is on Keamy's arm?
  3. What is Matthew Abaddon's relationship to the Island/the Others?
  4. Does Frank want the beach survivors to follow him?
  5. Where is Jacob and why are Christian and Claire in his cabin?
  6. Why shouldn't Locke tell anyone about Claire?
Answers Given:
  1. Why couldn't Locke find Jacob's cabin at the previous location? Locke needed to find Horace Goodspeed first.
  2. Who murdered the freighter doctor, Ray, and why? Keamy, to make an example so Frank would start the chopper.
  3. Why does the message from the freighter say that the doctor is fine? He was. Due to weird time distortion, the doctor was alive on the boat, yet his body washed up onto the island.
  4. What happened to Claire, and why did she leave Aaron behind? She is in Jacob's cabin, and Aaron is "where he is supposed to be."

Something Nice Back Home

Thursday, May 1, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. How is Christian appearing to Jack?
  2. What was Kate doing for Sawyer?
  3. Why did Sawyer decide to stay on the Island?
  4. What happened to Claire, and why did she leave Aaron behind?

Answers Given:
  1. Where did Frank take the helicopter? Frank took Keamy and his men to the island.
  2. Will Jack and Kate get together? Yes, Jack asked Kate to marry him off the island.
  3. What's wrong with Jack? He has appendicitis.

The Shape of Things to Come

Thursday, April 24, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Who murdered the freighter doctor, Ray, and why?
  2. Why did Ben wake up the the desert?
  3. Why is Ben wearing a parka?
  4. What station is the Dharma logo on Ben's jacket from?
  5. Why did Ben not know what year it was?
  6. What are the "rules" that have changed?
  7. What did Ben do to "control" the Monster and why is he dirty?
  8. Why does the message from the freighter say that the doctor is fine?
  9. What's wrong with Jack?
  10. Why can't Ben kill Widmore?
  11. Did the island really belong to Widmore as he says?
Answers Given:
  1. How did the people on the freighter get a photo of Ben as an adult? Ben can and has apparently leave the island at will.
  2. Who was shooting at Karl, Alex, and Rousseau? Keamy and his men.
  3. Does Ben really not know what the Monster is? Ben does know something about the Monster, because it is under his control to an extent.
  4. Why is Sayid working for Ben? After Nadia was killed, Sayid has nothing to live for so he is now following Ben's orders to protect his friends.
  5. What is Widmore's interest in the island? According to Widmore, the island "belonged" to him. Ben says that Widmore wants to exploit the island.

Meet Kevin Johnson

Thursday, March 20, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Did Widmore fabricate the fake 815 as Tom says?
  2. Why is Michael seeing Libby? Is it simply guilt, or something else?
  3. Who was shooting at Karl, Alex, and Rousseau?

Answers Given:
  1. What happened to Michael and Walt after leaving the Island? After escaping the island, Michael and Walt somehow made their way to NYC, where Michael only told his mom who they really were. Wracked with guilt, Michael told Walt that he killed Ana Lucia and Libby. Walt wanted nothing to do with his father, and this along with the guilt drove Michael to attempted suicide. Tom met with Michael, and arranged for him to board the freighter to save those on the island.
  2. Where is Walt? He is in NYC with Michael's mom.
  3. Why is Charles Widmore so interested in the fake plane? Widmore doesn't want anyone else to know where the plane really crashed.
  4. How did Michael become part of the crew? The Others set it up, with Tom giving Michael everything he needed to get aboard.
  5. Is Ben right about Naomi? Based Keamy's non-answer and Rousseau and Karl's deaths, it seems Ben was correct. Daniel, Miles, Charlotte, and Frank don't seem to know about the true reason for being there, but Keamy and his men do.
  6. Who sabotaged the communications room? Michael did, as asked to by Ben. He also sabotaged the engines.
  7. Who opened the sickbay door? Presumably Michael.

Ji Yeon

Thursday, March 13, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Did Ben really stage the 815 crash, as Captain Gault implies?
  2. Where did the bodies on the fake plane come from?
  3. Why is Charles Widmore so interested in the fake plane?
  4. Where did Frank take the helicopter?
  5. How did Michael become part of the crew?
  6. Where is Walt?
  7. Who/what was making the noise Sayid and Desmond noticed?
  8. Why was Hurley glad no one would be with him and Sun?

Answers Given:
  1. Who else got off the island? The Oceanic Six is Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Aaron, and Sun.
  2. Will Jin find out Sun had an affair? Yes, Juliet told Jin.
  3. Who is the captain? The captain's name is Gault.
  4. Where did the 815 wreckage in the ocean come from? Captain Gault claims that Ben faked the plane wreckage in the ocean.
  5. Why are they looking for Ben? The freighter people are looking for Ben because they believe he faked the 815 wreckage in the ocean, and somehow procured 324 dead bodies to put in the plane.
  6. Who is Ben's man on the boat? Ben's man is Michael.

The Other Woman

Thursday, March 6, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. How did Ben communicate with Harper?
  2. Why did Goodwin lie about his chemical burn?
  3. Harper says that Juliet looks just like "her." Who is she referring to?
  4. What is Widmore's interest in the island?
  5. How does Widmore know about the island?
  6. What does Penny know of his research?
  7. How do Daniel and Charlotte know about the Tempest?

Answers Given:
  1. Where does the power for the Other's houses come from? From the Tempest.
  2. If the boat isn't Penny's, who does it belong to? The boat is owned by Charles Widmore.
  3. Why were the freighter people not allowed to answer the call from Penelope? Presumably, Charles Widmore gave the instruction not to answer the call from his daughter so she would not discover the island.
  4. Who is on Jacob's list? Based on what Ben says about Zach and Emma, it seems that Jacob was the one who devised the lists for the Others to capture survivors he deemed "good."
  5. Do Ben and Juliet have a romantic history? Ben is infatuated with Juliet, but the feeling is unrequited.

The Constant

Friday, February 29, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Why is time perception different off the island?
  2. Why did the freighter people not want Frank to bring Desmond and Sayid?
  3. Why were the freighter people not allowed to answer the call from Penelope?
  4. Who sabotaged the communications room?
  5. Who opened the sickbay door?
  6. Who is the captain?
  7. Does Daniel remember Desmond from 1996?

Answers Given:
  1. Where is the helicopter? For some reason, the time lapse that Desmond, Sayid, and Frank experienced was shorter than the time Jack and the others on the island experienced. While it seemed only 20 minutes to those in the helicopter, it seemed like at least 24 hours to those on the beach.
  2. Why was Desmond dishonorably discharged from Royal Scots Regiment? Desmond was discharged because he went AWOL looking for Daniel and Penny.
  3. Why isn't Minkowski answering? Minkowski was restrained in sickbay because of his flashes.


Thursday, February 21, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Where is the helicopter?
  2. Why does Miles want exactly 3.2 million dollars?
  3. What does Miles know about Ben?
  4. Why does Daniel have trouble remembering three cards?
  5. Why isn't Minkowski answering?
  6. How does Kate become Aaron's "mother?"
  7. Why doesn't Jack want to see Aaron?
  8. Does he know Aaron is his nephew?
  9. If Kate claims to be Aaron's biological mother, how does she explain her pregnancy?

Answers Given:
  1. How is Kate able to see Jack if she is a known fugitive? Kate is on probation.
  2. Who is the "he" Kate refers to? Kate is referring to Aaron.
  3. Is Kate pregnant? No, the only child she has in the future is Aaron.
  4. Who is in the Oceanic Six besides Jack, Kate, and Hurley? Aaron is a member of the Oceanic Six.

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The Economist

Thursday, February 14, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Who is the RC on Naomi's bracelet?
  2. Why couldn't Locke find Jacob's cabin at the previous location?
  3. Why didn't Frank want Daniel to talk if Minkowski answered?
  4. Why do physical objects take longer to reach the island than radio signals or other communications?
  5. Who is Elsa's employer?
  6. How did Ben get off the island?
  7. Why is Sayid working for Ben?
  8. Who else is on Sayid's list besides the economist?

Answers Given:
  1. Who is in the Oceanic Six besides Jack, Kate, and Hurley? Sayid is a member of the Oceanic Six.
  2. Why does Michael have to follow the bearing of 325? There seem to be certain bearings that allow entrance and exit to the island.
  3. Why couldn't Desmond escape the island? There seem to be certain bearings that allow entrance and exit to the island.

Confirmed Dead

Thursday, February 7, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Where did the 815 wreckage in the ocean come from?
  2. Why did Daniel cry after finding out 815 crashed?
  3. What is the nature of Miles's abilities.
  4. How did the Dharma polar bear get to Tunisia?
  5. Why/How were Daniel, Miles, Charlotte, and Frank selected?
  6. Why did Naomi think there may be 815 survivors, and why did Abbadon insist there weren't?
  7. How did the people on the freighter get a photo of Ben as an adult?
  8. Why are they looking for Ben?
  9. Does Ben really not know what the Monster is?
  10. Who is Ben's man on the boat?
Answers Given:
  1. How was 815 found with no survivors? The wreckage of Flight 815 was found in the Sunda Trench with all bodies confirmed dead.
  2. Who is the man who parachutes down? His name is Daniel Faraday. He is a physicist.
  3. Who is Naomi's sister? "Tell my sister I love her" is the code the freighters use if they are captured and have a gun to their head.

The Beginning of the End

Thursday, January 31, 2008 by Gideon

Questions Raised:
  1. Why will the Oceanic Six not tell anyone about what happened on the island?
  2. Why is Christian Shepherd in Jacob's cabin?
  3. Who is Matthew Abaddon really?
  4. Who is Naomi's sister?
  5. How is Jacob's cabin moving around?
  6. How did Charlie visit Hurley (and how did another patient also see him)?
  7. Will Hurley eventually listen to Charlie?
  8. If Hurley went with Locke, why is he off the Island?
  9. Why is Hurley sorry he went with Locke instead of Jack?
  10. Who is the man who parachutes down?

Answers Given:
  1. Who else got off the island? Hurley gets off the island, plus three others.